Learn The Definition, Benefits Of Ashtanga Yoga, Hatha Yoga And Yoga Teacher Training.
In today’s fast paced world, people consider the nomenclature “Yoga” as one of the many ways of twisting oneself out like rubber bands or standing upside down on your head. Yoga is above and beyond this enormous misconception!
The term “Yoga” means union. Modern science today, has proved that the whole existence is just one energy. So if one can transcend the limitations of the illusion that everything is separate, and begin to experience the oneness of existence, that experience is Yoga. The religions of the world have always talked about “God” being omnipresent. Whether you refer to it as “God” or energy, it is the same reality. When mathematically deduced, it’s science. When people worship it, it is a religion. When experienced, it’s called Yoga.

Let’s begin with what is Ashtanga Yoga?
Ashtanga is a Sanskrity nomenclature that means “eight-limbed” – asta– eight, anga-limb. It is an eight-limbed path towards achieving the state of Samadhi. Ashtanga Yoga has been defined in the Yoga Sutras of Patañjali, ancient inscriptions on the theory and practice of Yoga compiled by Sage Patañjali, in 200 CE.
Ashtanga Yoga has a five asana series that must be mastered by each student, every pose leading to the next. The series begins with ten sun salutations – five left and five right, continues with a series of standing poses on each side, and finishes with a set of seated poses and inversions, all linked by a vinyasa sequence.
The ultimate purpose of practicing Ashtanga yoga is the purification of the body and mind. By moving rapidly and powerfully, the yogi gets an enormous amount of tapas, develops a strong sense of purpose and is compelled to focus and grow.
Ashtanga Yoga provides all the benefits of a regular yoga practice that is flexibility, strength, stress management, and inner peace. This series being so demanding as it must be practiced daily, the yogi will gain strength in littles or no time.
What is Hatha Yoga?
Hatha yoga is traditionally a catchall nomenclature for any type of yoga that pairs “asanas” with breathing techniques – “pranayama“. Essentially, many of the popular yoga styles – like ashtanga, vinyasa, Iyengar, etc. – fall under the umbrella of hatha yoga. At the same time, the term “hatha” describes a specific form of yoga class that is typically slow-paced, focussing on proper alignment.
There is some research that focuses specifically on the advantages of hatha, that suggest the broad category of hatha yoga may have a variety of benefits, including –
- Reduced Anxiety – Results from the meta-analysis of 17 studies, from 2016 suggest that 501 patients support hatha yoga as a treatment for anxiety.
- Improved Balance – In 2014, a study involving 34 men suggested that those who practiced hatha yoga for 5 months were able to improve their postural control. Based on those results, safe to say that hatha yoga training can significantly improve body balance.
- Improved Physical Fitness – In 2015, a research on Chinese adults proved that a 12-week hatha yoga workshop had positive effects on several components of fitness, including muscle strength and endurance, cardio endurance, and flexibility.
There’s a ton of research beyond these studies on the benefits of hatha yoga which includes data suggesting its ability to reduce pain, help manage chronic diseases, lower BMI and blood pressure, reduce menopausal symptoms, improve mental health, and more.
Enhanced Endurance – “Yoga makes you very movable and very capable. You get to be strong in not just one direction, but everything you can imagine doing in every direction without tiring,” says Michael Taylor, the co-founder of Strala Yoga.
Now let’s talk about the Significance of pursuing a course in Yoga Teacher Training in India.
Pursuing a course in Yoga Teacher Training in India is what people do when they want to learn traditional yoga, in depth. In a regular classroom session, the yoga teacher usually lacks the time to dive deep into the mechanisms of each pose. Besides, the students perceive yoga as a weight management practice, and hence, not everyone wants to go deeper into yoga and catering specifically to students who want to study yoga extensively, edges towards impossible.
Nonetheless, pursuing a specialized course in yoga has only pros with not a single con, hence, always recommended. A few advantages of pursuing Yoga Teacher Training in India have been discussed below. India in specific since that’s the origin of yoga and hence, traditional yoga, in its truest, most authentic form will be taught only here.
- Shift In Energy – Yoga is undoubtedly one of the very few things that make you feel alive. An authentic course in Yoga Teacher Training in India will shift the student’s energy by changing their perspective not only of yoga, but also of life in general. Exposure to a whole new environment, new people and unique perspectives on life, will definitely help you emerge more open-mindedly.
- Dive Deep Into Yoga – Pursuing an authentic Yoga Teacher Training in India will give the yoga enthusiast an opportunity to learn more and deeper into the subject since the teachers have more time to help improve their personal practice. The yoga teachers are available to address queries that the students might have regarding their practice. The students will practice yoga daily if they’re pursuing the one-month intensive course. This will allow them to dive deeper into each pose that they might not have been 100% confident about, or felt stuck in. The teachers will be guiding the yoga enthusiasts through each step of the course, making all the necessary adjustments, allowing them to get a feel of, and comprehend the subtle differences and that minor tweaks in their practice.
- Poses, Alignment, Anatomy & Yoga Philosophy – Pursuing Yoga Teacher Training in India entails more than just yoga practice, the students learn about the human anatomy, correct alignment of the poses, physiology and yoga philosophy. Knowledge of anatomy and alignment are crucial to avoid unnecessary injuries during the practice. Sound knowledge of the anatomy will not only guarantee the student’s safe practice, but also the safety of the students who they get to teach, in the future. Students marvel at the difference correct alignment makes in their practice! In a regular yoga class, due to the time constraint, the teacher usually doesn’t delve into the yoga philosophy. However, during the yoga teacher training in India, there is ample time devoted to the study of philosophy. And, once again, your teachers will be at hand to answer any questions.
- Master The Mind-Body Connection Through Pranayama – The breath is the connecting bridge between the mind and body. The breathing pattern changes with the mind/emotions of the individual. Experimenting with this knowledge, the ancient yogis discovered that one is capable of altering our mind, mood and emotions just by manipulating our breathing patterns. In the yoga teacher training, students learn the correct way to do Pranayama. It’s vital to practice Pranayama accurately, because the mind can be negatively impacted if practiced incorrectly.
- Explore Spirituality – Regardless of the religion and cultural background, people begin to question everything around themselves and as they spend time contemplating, they gain self awareness and a deeper understanding of spirituality, and in the process even discover certain things about themselves that they would like to change. It is also good for the students to find out on their own how you would like to proceed and grow spiritually.
MYT Yoga offers the best Yoga Teacher Training in Goa, India

MYT Yoga is a school in Goa that offers the best yoga teacher training in India, rooted in the Indian yogic tradition. They have years’ of experience at bringing their world renowned yoga training course to students from across the globe. MYT Yoga stands for Mantra Yoga School, the most sought after school for yoga teacher training located in Goa was established with an aim to build a new generation of Yoga and Meditation instructors in order to keep the healthy tradition of moving the body, hale and hearty. The term “Mantra” comes directly from Hinduism and Jainism and stands for a sound that helps in maintaining concentration in meditation when repeatedly used.
To challenge oneself mentally and physically, by immersing themselves in a yogic lifestyle isn’t for the faint hearted! A yogic lifestyle is beyond the typical modern day lifestyle, hence it could be challenging to adapt to all the new changes, at first. The students are required to practice yoga for at least two or three hours daily and attend classes the entire day.
Get ready, as this will be a complete turnaround from your usual routine.